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Stopfen zum Verschluss des Mundstücks sinnvoll oder nicht?

Wie gesagt, die Meinungen, ob man einen Mundstückverschluss braucht, um das Abblasen in bestimmten Situationen zu verhindern, gehen etwas auseinander.
Ich bin aus eigenen Erfahrungen unbedingt dafür!
Man ist nicht immer in der Lage, die u.g. Maßnahmen anzuwenden, um den Freeflow zu verhindern. Manchmal kann man dringend anders beschäftigt sein oder muss sich auf den Rücken drehen. Und vor allem dann hilft so ein kleines Teil ungemein.
Ich bin nicht für voluminöse und teuere Mundstücke mit Verschluss, ich will das originale Mundstück weiter tauchen, durch einen einfachen Stopfen aber auch die (selten gebrauchte) Möglichkeit haben, es zu verschließen.
Ein Aspekt, der hier noch garnicht betrachtet wurde, ist die Verschließbarkeit an Land! Wer einmal wie ich in den Tropen das Vergnügen hatte, eine Spinne uW auszuspucken, die im Mundstück übernachtet hatte, ist auch für den Verschluss. Das gilt allerdings auch für 1-Schlauch-Automaten. Aber da tut's auch eine Gaze am Bissstück.

Ratliff in scubaboard 2013
Actually, I have been diving double hose regulators since 1959, and have never felt the need for a plug. One of the best methods of controlling the free flow by keeping the mouthpiece below the regulator is to simply put your snorkel in your mouth and swim face-down in the water. As Luis stated, the regulator will free flow when the mouthpiece is above the center of the diaphragm + the inches of water pressure needed to activate the valve. This is where the "adjustment" comes in. But if you snorkel on the surface with the regulator on your back, face down, your mouthpiece will automatically stay in the position below the regulator's diaphragm. If you get vertical, or on your back, then the free flow will be dramatic.

Luis H.  in scubaboard 2013
BTW, even a poorly adjusted double hose regulator will free flow when the mouthpiece is raised above the diaphragm. The difference is that a "perfectly adjusted" double hose will free flow when the mouthpiece is only about 1/2 inch higher than the center of the diaphragm. But a poorly adjusted one, the mouthpiece may need to be 1.5 to 2 inches higher (or more) before it starts free flowing.
From the information provided by the OP, there is no way to determine if that double hose regulator is well adjusted or not. It probably is well adjusted, but he can easily have a condition on the surface were a poorly adjusted (or one of the lower performing designs) will still free flow on the surface.
You can just keep your mouthpiece lower than the can (if the can/ regulator is in the water) or (if you are using a curve mouthpiece) you can use mouthpiece plug.
You can also just keep the mouthpiece in your mouth, but that is not always convenient.
2stopfen.jpg (606666 Byte)I always keep a mouthpiece plug attached to my right shoulder strap, but most of the times I just hold the mouthpiece down in front of me.
I do a lot of drift diving and waiting for the boats is normally not that long.
The boat drop us off, they follows our bubbles (the visibility is so good they can basically see us), and when we are done they pick us up.
Whenever you are on the surface, you never put on a snorkel and put your face in the water. You and your buddy keep your face up looking for your boat and other boats in the area. If needed you may deploy a “surface marker buoy” (SMB, or safety sausage), but I have never felt the need since the boats have always been close.
The boats are not stationary, they are live. You don’t swim to the boat; you let the boat move toward you. The only exception is if someone is on the ladder and you are only a few feet away. If you need to swim, you put the regulator back in your mouth.
Swimming is counterproductive since you are now a moving target for the boat and if there are several divers in the water, it is harder to keep the group together for pick-up.
This is one of those situations when a snorkel is basically useless. I never wear one, but sometime I may have one in a pocket.

Cloudflint  in scubaboard 2013
I find putting an arm through the inside of the hose loop so the hose sits under my arm works well to hold the mouthpiece lower than the level of the 2nd stage when on the surface. Id get one of those nice plugs but my mouthpiece is the wrong shape!. With practice I can stow it like this and re-deploy it in a second or so, though if you do this I would suggest practising it in a pool first so you don't get tangled!

Christian au FaceBook, Les Mistralopitèques, 2015
Personnellement, je n'y vois pas d'intérêt. Un tel mécanisme de fermeture complexifie et alourdit l'embout, le rend plus volumineux, plus proéminent et moins ergonomique. Surtout, sur un détendeur du type Mistral, il ne répond à aucun véritable besoin. A l'inverse du recycleur, une entrée d'eau dans la boucle n'est pas un problème. On peut facilement faire fuser le détendeur pour chasser l'eau et, bien sûr, il n'y a aucune réaction chimique néfaste a craindre.
Si c'est juste question de ne pas avoir le détendeur qui fuse lorsqu'on est en surface (ou qu'on nage au tuba), la solution simple et éprouvée consiste à maintenir l'embout sous le niveau de la "gamelle", quitte à passer un bras dans la boucle. N'importe qui de mes "padawans" Mistralopitheques a vite compris le truc...
Ce qui me fait dire que l'idée d'un embout "fermable" sur un Mistral est aussi sensé qu'une marche arrière sur un vélo.

altes.tauchen -> Technik --> Kompaktregler ---> Verbesserungen ----> Mundstückstopfen nötig?             Letzte Änderung: 16.03.2021